Population Genetics – PPTs and Related FAQs

FAQs/Short Answers – Population Genetics

Following are the all short questions related to population genetics

The term allele frequency refers to how common an allele is in a population.

A population with no change or genetic variation over time is called a static population.

A sample is a representative of a population under study.

G.H. Hardy was an English Mathematician & W. Weinberg was a German Physician. They produce Hardy Weinberg Principle also known as Hardy Weinberg Theorem.

The proportion of an allele in the gene pool as compared with other alleles at the same locus.

An alternative form of a gene is called an an allele.

How common is any allele is in a population is called allele frequency.

Physical appearance of an organism is called phenotype.

Genetic makeup of any organism is termed as genotype.

Phenotypical variation within organisms of species e.g. snails, and butterflies of various colours.

Various coloured butterflies are the example of polymorphism.

The difference in the length of p-arm of acrocentric chromosomes results in chromosomal polymorphism.

Sum total of genes of all the individuals of a Mendelian Population is called gene pool.

Hardy Weinberg theorem states that allele frequencies remains constant under certain conditions. This theorem has five assumptions; Migration, Selection, Non-random matting, Mutation, and Genetic drift.

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